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Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister of Australia has told that the immigration policy of Australia is “non-discriminatory and will remain that way.” He gave this statement because of Sonia Kruger’s controversial statement of banning the Muslim Immigration.
On 18th of July 2016, Sonia appeared on the show :TODAY” and supported the article by Andrew Bolt in Herald Sun. The article was written on Muslim immigration and the terrorist attacks in France.
Sonia Kruger gave the statement that Andrew Bolt is right and there is a connection among the number of terror attacks and the number of Muslims living in the country.
By the end of the show, the host asked that do you mean to close the Australian borders for Muslims? Yes! She replied.
Read More: Sonia Kruger calls for Muslim immigration ban in Australia
Australia’s Primer Minister, Turnbull responded to media that Australia is not going to discriminate on race or religion.
“I’m not going to run a commentary on the commentators. But as you know Australia has a non-discriminatory immigration program and a non-discriminatory humanitarian program, and has done for many, many years and that is not going to change,” Turnbull said.
On 18 July 2016, Ben Fordham, television and radio presenter supported Sonia Kruger while saying that “I would like to be honest rather than popular.”
During the 2GB Drive program, Fordham said that, “I support Kruger for speaking her mind without getting worried about what others gonna say on her statement.”
He further said that she would be surprised to know that there are many people in Australia who support her statement.
“Although, the man on Muslim Immigration is something really extreme, but we have to apply if we saw more terrorist attacks due to the Islam.”