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Most of the time, tourists who visit Australia end up visiting New Zealand too and they require a separate visa of New Zealand. Now, there is a huge chance that a joint travel document will become a reality. There is a chance that both governments will announce a single visa of Australia and New Zealand.
The head of tourism in New Zealand and Australia has started a campaign for a joint visa. They pointed out the last successful event of Cricket World Cup when the countries offered a joint visa of Australia and New Zealand for three months.
The tourism heads believe that there is a demand of permanent joint visa, especially for tourists who want to see both countries at once.
Visa of Australia and New Zealand During World Cup 2015
In the Cricket World Cup 2015, the tourists who travelled to Australia between 26 January and 5 April only required to have an Australian visa for both countries. When a person had an Australian visa, he or she was offered a three-month visa of New Zealand upon arrival in the country.
The Tourism Industry Association New Zealand and Tourism & Transport Forum Australia have sent a joint letter to the Australian government for a permanent regional visa. They demanded that it is the time to introduce single visa of Australia and New Zealand to attract the tourists.
The chief executive officer of TTF (Tourism & Transport Forum Australia), Margy Osmond said that “Australia and New Zealand are long haul destinations and people have to travel a lot to get there. We should offer them one visa for both countries.
She further said, “People who are travelling that much to visit Australia or New Zealand wants to make it worth. Similarly, when you visit Europe, you are allowed to visit various countries, not just one, and it attracts a lot of tourists.
“By 2020, we will have around 140,000 more international visitors as compared to current stats if we start one visa of Australia and New Zealand,” she added.
The chief executive officer of TIA (Tourism Industry Association New Zealand) Chris Roberts told that the experience of ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 was great and it proved that there is a requirement of trans-Tasman visa to bring more tourists.
“The arrangements of New Zealand during the world cup have shown that around 8000 people have entered into the country using the visa of Australia,” he said. He further revealed that 40 percent of the visitors were Chinese who didn’t like to watch cricket. This is the actual point that shows the potential of single visa of Australia and New Zealand.
He further said, “Our organizations are trying to make the government believe that it is a great step for both countries. The World Cup event has clearly shown the potential and it is the time to remove this barrier forever.