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Australia’s Skilled Visa Applications: Lodged and Granted (2021-24)

June 3, 2024BY Sheraz

The data on skilled visa applications lodged in Australia from 2021-22 to 2023-24 (up to 31 March 2024) provides a comprehensive view of the trends in skilled migration. These trends reflect changes in policy, economic conditions, and the demand for skilled workers in various regions of the country.

Skilled Visa Applications Lodged: 2021-2024

Visa Category2021-222022-232023-24 (to 31/03/2024)
Employer Sponsored34,98041,99232,439
Skilled Independent7,51249,1099,378
State/Territory Nominated25,57861,18616,333
Business Innovation & Investment14,1568,3843,255
Global Talent8,6987,1594,606
Distinguished Talent336400336
Grand Total91,260168,23066,347

Source: Department of Home Affairs, 2024

Key Insights

  1. The surge in 2022-23: There was an 84.3% increase in the number of skilled visa applications from 91,260 in 2021-22 to 168,230 in 2022-23. Higher planning levels for the Skilled Independent and State/Territory Nominated categories primarily drove this significant rise. These categories saw increased nomination allocations and invitation rounds by the Department of Home Affairs.
  2. Decline in 2023-24: As of 31 March 2024, there was a 46.9% decrease in applications compared to the same period in 2022-23. This decline is attributed to reduced State and Territory Nominations and Skilled Independent invitations. The decrease is part of a strategy to manage application pipelines and processing times effectively, considering the existing volume of applications for the 2023-24 planning levels.
  3. Skilled Visa Categories: The Employer Sponsored and Skilled Independent categories remained significant, although they experienced fluctuations. The State/Territory Nominated category also showed variable trends, reflecting policy adjustments and regional needs.

Regional Visa Applications Lodged: 2021-2024

Visa Subclass2021-222022-232023-24 (to 31/03/2024)
187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme1,63451492
191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional)1311,1687,529
489 Skilled – Regional (Provisional)372333143
491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)26,31447,81414,204
494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional3,1653,7522,724
887 Skilled – Regional10,8862,0762,116
Grand Total42,50255,65726,808

Source: Department of Home Affairs, 2024

Key Developments

  1. Introduction of Subclass 191: The Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) subclass 191 visa was introduced on 16 November 2022. By 31 March 2024, over 7,500 applications were lodged, reflecting the growing number of eligible applicants meeting regional residency and other requirements.
  2. Consistent Demand: The 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa continued to see strong demand, though there was a decline from 47,814 in 2022-23 to 14,204 in 2023-24. This decline aligns with the overall strategy to manage the volume of applications and processing times.

Regional Visa Applications Finalised: 2021-2024

Visa SubclassOutcome2021-222022-232023-24 (to 31/03/2024)
187 Regional Sponsored Migration SchemeGranted1,7973,275898
489 Skilled – Regional (Provisional)Granted1,1563,4871,026
491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)Granted13,89823,12924,739
494 Skilled Employer Sponsored RegionalGranted1,3483,7933,110
887 Skilled – RegionalGranted2,07019,6552,097
191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional)Granted<50<2355,539
Grand Total21,87560,24639,174

Source: Department of Home Affairs, 2024

Final Thoughts

The data highlights significant trends in Australia’s skilled and regional visa categories, reflecting shifts in policy and regional demands. The substantial increase in applications in 2022-23 followed by a strategic reduction in 2023-24 underscores the dynamic nature of immigration management aimed at balancing the influx of skilled workers with processing capabilities and regional needs. The introduction of the subclass 191 visa and the consistent demand for the 491 visa illustrate the evolving landscape of regional migration, catering to immediate and long-term economic requirements.