051 8439995, 042 35911332

On 11th January 2023 16:14:19 UTC, Canada issues invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry System. No program is specified for this particular round.
In round number 237, the immigration department selected 5,500 candidates who are now eligible to apply for permanent residence.
As per official sources, the CRS score of the lowest-ranked candidate was 507. The tie-breaking rule is applied until December 06, 2022, 11:00:07 UTC.

For novices, the tie-braking rule is applied when more than one candidate has the lowest score. In such a situation, people who submitted their profile earlier receive an invitation.
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) are regularly inviting candidates to apply for Canadian citizenship. If you want to move to Canada, this is the time to make a move.
However, if you are concerned that you do not meet the required CRS score, we advise you to go for a provincial nomination. It gives you 600 additional points, which guarantees an invitation to apply for permanent citizenship.
For further evaluation regarding your profile, you may contact us through email or phone numbers. We wish you the best of luck.