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To get citizenship in Canada, there are 9 different ways that you can opt for. It’s quite simple and doesn’t require much effort. You just need to read the following immigration options:
If you’re a Canadian citizen then you can definitely get Canadian citizenship for your child no matter where he/she was born. You need to provide proof of Canadian citizenship and you can apply for the citizenship of your child. If you’re a Canadian born, you need to add birth certificate along with the application.
Marriage/Common-Law Relationships
For married couples, if one of them is either a Canadian permanent resident or have the Canadian citizenship then he/she can apply for the Canadian citizenship for his/her spouse or partner. The same rule applies to homosexual marriages and common-law relationships. However, the proof of the relationship must be provided to the authorities.
Work Permit
If you have a job letter from a permanent employer in Canada, you can apply for permanent residence or citizenship in Canada. The employer must have to follow some specific procedure depending on the applicant’s profession or line of work.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
There are some certain professions that are added to the list of NAFTA. If you are eligible to apply for prescribed list of professions, you can apply for permanent residence in Canada.
Provincial Programs for Skilled Workers
Almost every province in Canada offers provincial nominee programs. You must be eligible to apply for the available programs. Once, you get selected according to the ranking system, you can apply for permanent citizenship in Canada. Both skilled and non-skilled workers can be eligible after meeting English proficiency standards, education, work experience and adaptability.
Business Immigration
If you’re a rich guy who can afford to purchase or establish a business or invest into a business in Canada, you can easily get Canadian citizenship. Though, you need to meet the minimum set requirement criteria of the province’s nominee programs for investors/entrepreneurs.
Study Permit
If you get admission in a recognized institute in Canada, you can apply for a study permit. If you’re entitled to a Post Graduate Work Permit, then after six months of full-time employment, you can apply for permanent citizenship in Canada. You must keep in mind that you should study in Canada for over a period of 8 months.
You can get a visit visa for 6 months to stay in Canada. Before the six months period about to end, you can apply for the extension of your visit. Remember, a visitor must meet the monetary needs to support his/her stay in Canada. You can not acquire any employment until you get employment or work permit.
Federal Exchange Entry
Federal Exchange Entry program is offered by the federal government based on Canada’s employment needs. The authorities will assess the applicant’s abilities to become economically established which are based on education, connection to Canada, age and work experience. If you’re eligible, you will be entitled to a permanent residency.